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[MLO f=”email”]
3100 W Ray Rd
STE 201, Office 209
Chandler, AZ 85226
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Use the quick & easy tool
below to find out what you qualify for. 👇
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[MLO f=”email”]
3100 W Ray Rd
STE 201, Office 209
Chandler, AZ 85226
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[MLO f=”email”]
[MLO f=”phone”]
As a certified mortgage planning specialist (CMPS), and professional mortgage loan originator, Renato loves to strategize with his referral partners and clients to help them meet their goals. He takes time to explain the lending process, products and terminology so his clients can easily understand it and takes time to listen to and understand the borrower, as to him this is the key to structuring the right loan for their situation. Originally from Croatia and moved to the states at the age of 20, Renato Rodic is married and the proud father of two, huge Phoenix Suns fan and enjoys vacationing with his family.
As a certified mortgage planning specialist (CMPS), and professional mortgage loan originator, Renato loves to strategize with his referral partners and clients to help them meet their goals. He takes time to explain the lending process, products and terminology so his clients can easily understand it and takes time to listen to and understand the borrower, as to him this is the key to structuring the right loan for their situation. Originally from Croatia and moved to the states at the age of 20, Renato Rodic is married and the proud father of two, huge Phoenix Suns fan and enjoys vacationing with his family.
Home loans provided by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) may make it easier for you to buy a home. For an FHA loan a down payment of 3.5% is required. Borrowers who cannot afford a traditional down payment of 20% or are unable to receive approval for private mortgage insurance may consider an FHA loan.